Anger Over Pollution

You may have read or heard it from the news that Singapore and Malaysia have been shrouded in smoke haze from yesterday. Who to blame? They blame Indonesia. Malaysia is lightly affected this year, but in Singapore it's worse. The smoke haze is known coming from Sumatran forests, causes the air pollution level in Singapore creeping into unhealthy range at the top peak of 173 yesterday.

Surprisingly this smoke haze annually happens, and right now it hits its worst level in nearly 16 years. The issue sometimes strains ties between the countries, with Malaysia and Singapore urging Indonesia to do more to prevent illegal burning. Mostly, people said that Indonesia is always the one to blame, with Malaysia and Singapore as the victims. I've seen too many tantrums on Twitter and news blaming Indonesia for its corrupt government, heartless people, causing them to choke on smoke, and so on and so on, you name it.

What I want to point out here is, another point of view. 

First, I want to point out that the smoke haze causes problems NOT ONLY in Malaysia and Singapore. They are not the only victims here. Indonesia, of course, is affected too. As the wind blows across Malacca Strait, the haze can also be seen in upper parts of Indonesia such as Riau, Batam, and Sumatra itself. Indonesian people choke on smoke too. Don't be such a baby and cry for closed schools in Singapore. Here in Indonesia, some airports are closed too (read here) ! The picture I put on the left is in Riau. See? You are not the only victims. People always think that their problem is the worst of all, duh. They can only say they miss their fresh air, they want to go to Hong Kong to avoid the smell, blablabla.. 

Second, and the most important of all is the fact that the smoke haze is also caused by Singaporean and Malaysian palm oil companies ! I repeat, Singaporean and Malaysian agro-forestry companies investing in Indonesian forests. They want to clear the land for palm oil industries by burning the forests. This slash and burn technique being used is the cheapest land-clearing method for greater revenues, just so you know. Singapore-based palm oil companies with land concessions in Indonesia include Wilmar International Ltd, Golden Agri-Resources Ltd and First Resources Ltd. 

"Critics have accused Singapore and Malaysian palm oil companies of investing in Indonesian companies that are clearing land for palm plantations." 
“What we know is that there are several foreign investors from Singapore involved,” said Hadi Daryanto, a senior official at Indonesia’s Forestry Ministry.

Don't believe me? Read here, here, and here. Or just search on Google "Singapore shares some blame on smoke haze". I'm just sick seeing all Singaporean and Malaysian people blaming on Indonesian, really.
Here, I show you how their mouths worked :
Singapore called on Indonesia to do something about the problem. “No country or corporation has the right to pollute the air at the expense of Singaporeans’ health and well-being,” Singapore’s environment and water resources minister Vivian Balakrishnan said. - Irish Time 
"It gives off this smoky smell like you've been sitting a bit too close to the hearth," he said. "Whoever would have thought that I'd be going to Hong Kong for a weekend simply to get a breath of fresh air." - CNN
"Singaporeans have lost patience, and are understandably angry, distressed and concerned." - Channel News Asia 

On the news, there's usually a part saying that Singapore has urged Indonesia to name the errant companies involved in illegal burning. They will be surprised, then. 

Yes, yes, I wrote this post with anger, that's why I put "Anger Over Pollution" for the title. I even haven't mentioned about the killing of orangutans, elephants, and other animals because of these palm oil companies operations. I'm pissed off because instead of working together they just complain! Argh

June 20, 2013


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